Tuesday, June 26, 2012

5 Stages of a Relationship

Don't mind the date of the calendar. This is just a rough peek of what the Stages of a Relationship (otherwise known as "Cuffing Season") SHOULD look like.

Stage 1 - The Suck Up
This stage usually lasts for 1-2 months. What this means, is basically being a "sucker" for your girl. Do what she say. Don't show her your bad side.. YET. If you do show her your bad side already, she will leave. Why? Because unless you have a clingy type of girl, she will not have strong feelings for you. At this time, she is like a ticking time bomb. Call her Ms. UnFuckWitAble for the meantime. You do not want to fuck up already. Send her cute texts, good mornings, cute tweets, and all that. Give her nicknames.. Bitches LOVE nicknames. Back to the topic.. Cater to her and her ONLY. Do not let any smizzy interfere with your romance. At this time, you should be going on dates, walks, picnics, whatever SHE likes. It's like a resume stage because she is "trying" you out. Think of you applying for a job. She gonna ask her friends about the dirt they have on you. She will see your good and bad from her friends. It's also like going to a dealership and test driving a car. This is exactly what she is doing. Both of you took a risk, so throughout these couple months, everything SHOULD go smooth.

Stage 2 - Honeymoon
This stage is probably in the 3-4 months stage because over time, you two are bound to connect in every way. In this stage, you both will act like you just got married and NOTHING can go wrong. A bunch of fake happy moments and then you guys will act like you are meant to be. Focusing on the "happily ever after" ending and expecting nothing but the best from eachother. The female will forget that the nigga's human and makes mistakes. In both perspectives, nothing can ever go wrong. Give her the control and she will live her fantasy that she always thinks about. In her head, she WILL try to live up to the love songs she hears on the radio. This is when situations become worse because there is only so much a guy can do before he erupts.

Stage 3 - Reality Check
During this stage, you realize eachother's flaws. You now realize that your dream romance is... nothing but a dream. The negative thoughts come tip toe-ing up the way into your mind.  This is just the beginning of the bad situations. Sad to say, but this is where it gets ugly. For some, it stays like this forever. For others, you build off this. It will feel like you are getting pinched to be waken up from a dream. It will hurt you (emotionally) but it will make you wake up and focus on what's really going on. 

Stage 4 - Comforotability
This time of the sequence is best to be described as knowing your significant other the best. You can now put all his/her's flaws aside and focus on the actual relationship rather than her fantasies. The thought of the "happily ever after" ending went down the drain. That's a good thing because this is not a movie and neither of you are Princes or Princesses. Anyways, during this stage, both parties become more humble and use what they ALREADY have to make the relationship stronger. This means.. No "The Notebook" scenarios or "Titanic" scenarios. Just straight up realness. They both will forget about the expectations they had in the Suck Up stage and live life how they used to. Only difference is, is now they are together and have certain rules to follow. 

Stage 5 - Fall or Rise
This stage usually will be close to a year into the relationship or even more with the individual. This time span with another person is a long time. Here comes the point in time where both parties start to question their relationship. But what makes both people stronger emotionally, is their commitment to hang in there. In the year of 2012, us humans are not stupid anymore. The girl and the guy both know at this time, ANYTHING can happen. They are even both, probably feeling the same way. He can get tired of her. Or even vice versa because they are getting bored. However, the difference from a weak relationship and a strong one is knowing that you have both stayed together throughout all the questionable moments. Despite all the curiosity he or she feels, the fact that you are still together after long months is more than enough to keep the relationship lasting forever.

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