Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Think Like a Man. Get Treated Like a Hoe.

Act Like a Lady. Think Like a Man. Get Treated Like a Hoe.

Each year, niggas discover more and more ways females protect their little innocent hearts. Most of the time, they find their ways from movies, music, or books. If it's not Drake giving girls advice through his songs, it's Steve Harvey writing books on the state of mentality girls should have while on their quest for relationships. "Think Like a Man" is a book written by Steve Harvey just to stop women from being clue-less. Ladies go cop it. Guys go burn it after she cops it. He is changing the whole game with this book. What are niggas gonna do now to one night her? But I will tell you this. Real niggas won't let that book stop their game.

Now a days, girls will do everything and anything they possibly could to not get played. This is because for that past couple years, being played is starting to become a worldwide trend. It is now being noticed all over the place. People used to play each other all the time and have gotten away with it. But in this day of age, that shit will not slide anymore. Girls finally took a stand for themselves. Girls now know the consequences they will face after being played like 2k12. (Other than being played.) Sadly, girls will, all of a sudden, not have any shame and with any suspicious activities, she will act drastically.  Her shyness will be forgotten and so will her pride. Shit will get real. They will dig deep into the dirt and expose you in various desperate ways. Ranging from going through your phone's while your not looking, to hitting up all your female friends and telling them to stop talking to him, it's still a major issue for the game. (To those who don't understand what the game is and think that life is just handed to you, just X out this blog.)

Just like life, relationships are like a game. Someone who doesn't know how to play, will come out scorned. The Keisha Cole, Mary J Blige and Drake playlists will all come out. All these female artists contribute to the girl's rehab after a break up. It's usually the girls that don't understand the game that go out to every party and dance on every nigga there. Girls have been "thinking like a man" for years now, but it has became noticed now that this book AND movie came out. But with everything in life, there is a loop hole to it.

"Think like a man?" What dude will stand there with their girl with her having the same thoughts as him? It just doesn't make sense at all. Do we really want females to go about their life thinking of going to strip clubs, drinking until they pass out, or anything of that matter? There's certain stuff that should be going on through guys and girls mind's separately. It's not even about being predictable. It's more about having the same mentality as a guy. Let's be honest. Guys have crazy hormones. Guys are hoes. But what makes each one different is there control for their hormones. A girl could transform a guy's outside, but in the inside, he will still be a man. It's like putting clothes on a mannequin. You can change up the wardrobe any time, but it will still be a pale white bitch at the end of the day. Women can truly care for almost anything. Man only shares that bond with only his child and his mother. It's in our genes for us to act like us. The same way chicks complain when their men bitch, nobody wants a she-man. Men walk around and fuck chicks in their mind daily. No doubt about it. Would guys really want a girl who fucks a lot of dudes in her mind? No. That will FUCK up her morals. She will turn into a hoe.

Thinking the way a guy would will only make the relationship worse. So to all the girls thinking that advice is good, just find another. Like I stated before, deep down guys are still men. It's human nature for us. This is what girls need to understand. The way God created us was different than women for a reason. Girls are more likely to be emotional while men are the complete opposite. If girls want to think like a man, she will have countless nights of sleep, day dreams, and nightmares. A mind of a man should not enter the mind of a woman. They just wouldn't be able to take it. Girls would be worried every single day of their lives if they want to think like a man.

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