Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Faggotry Pt. 2

What faggot people do:

  • Rely on karma to get another nigga back 
  • Think that slightly opening their mouth in their avi will catch hoes attention
  • Google their tweets
  • *sigh* on a social network
  • Wish another nigga "goodnight"
  • Send their tweets to Facebook
  • Protect their account
  • Still fill out surveys on Facebook
  • Put a countdown on their computer and run to pose for a pic
  • Stick their tongue out for a pic 
  • Chew their gum out loud
  • Blow bubbles with their gum 
  • Angle their head for a pic 
  • Drink wine with their niggas
  • Sleep with socks on
  • Mad that Nicki Minaj deleted her Twitter
  • Still send winky faces to hoes

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